Menstrual Mission X SMP MC
Fighting Taboos and Busting Myths surrounding Menstruation
Our team is committed to informing the public about the not-so-secret topic of menstruation. We are tired of hearing falsehoods, hiding our products, and feeling ashamed. It's time to talk about "that time of the month" and feel comfortable asking questions, starting conversations. It's time to stop spending misconceptions and get informed. MM X SMP is here to do just that!
Our Videos
Meet The Team
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A. Six - SMP Highlights
Herz und Stich - SMP Highlights
Asendorf Orthopadie - SMP Highlights
Our Languages
Learn about Menstruation in English by checking out the playlist below!
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Menstruation auf Deutsch, indem Sie sich die Playlist unten ansehen!
Aşağıdaki oynatma listesine göz atarak Türkçe Menstruasyon hakkında bilgi edinin!
تعرفي على معلومات عن الحيض باللغة العربية بالاطلاع على قائمة التشغيل أدناه
A Community
Impact Project
As a Bachelors student at Jacobs University, we are required to participate in a Community Impact Project (CIP). Such projects are intended to help us develop personally, professionally, and academically, as well as draw us closer to our fellow residents in Bremen. This CIP group, in coordination with the SMP Media Center, has organized a project to translate relevant COVID-19 related news into vital languages for the greater Bremen community, such as: Russian, Turkish, Arabic, French, English, and Romanian. We are also working in coordination with the LVG and AFS in Bremen in order to spread and promote the important and research-supported public health messages.
Our Partners
Check Out Our Sources
> The age of menarche - PubMed (
> Why we menstruate:
> Basics of menstrual cycle: Periods and fertility in the menstrual cycle - NHS (
> Female Reproductive System (for Teens) - Nemours Kidshealth
> What Is Menstrual Cycle? Phases, Symptoms, Pains, and Fertility (
> Role of hormones:
> What Can I Expect When I Get My Period? | Facts & Info (